The Association is registered
On 15th of December 2023 the TePeWu Association has been registered by the head of the Wschowa District. The association opetrates based on the Law of Associations and following bylaws
Oficjalne dokumenty stowarzyszenia TePeWu
On 15th of December 2023 the TePeWu Association has been registered by the head of the Wschowa District. The association opetrates based on the Law of Associations and following bylaws
Version 1.0. Collectively and individually, we strive for self-determination, self-governance and self-improvement Self-determination is expressed by defining our own goals, our own identity and our relationship to the world around us, without conforming to other people’s templates and labels. Self-governance is our ability to make and execute decisions, without recourse to external forces or authorities. … Read more
The following core objectives were adopted at the inaugural community meeting on 30 December, 2023. For ourselves: to cultivate freedom, solidarity, help and care for each other in a space safe from harmful interference. To each person according to their needs, from each according to their abilities. For our surroundings: helping others to face the … Read more
We felt it was important to separate the urgent need to organize the management of assets, and relationships with allied groups, from the process of community building, which requires calm and a willingness to learn from mistakes.