Od ponad 10 lat siłuję się z problemem “pustki” w sercu anarchizmu (przede wszystkim polskiego, bo z nim mam najwięcej do czynienia).
Objawia się ona różnorako: subkulturowością, freeganizmem, kolesiostwem, tymczasowością skłotów z jednej i trybalną czy wręcz mafijną dynamiką z drugiej strony.
Sednem problemu - w mojej ocenie - jest fragmentaryczność ideologii anarchistycznej, która jest spójna i konkretna, jeśli chodzi o to, przeciwko komu i czemu walczymy, wewnętrznie skonfliktowana w sprawie tego, jakie powinny być sposoby i granice tej walki, a całkowicie zagubiona, jeśli mówimy o tym, jakie życie społeczne chcemy budować w miejsce tego, co zwalczamy.
TePeWu jest próbą syntetycznej i praktycznej odpowiedzi na te problemy.
On February 29, 2024, we submitted a project to the Chaos Computer Club competition for a grant for an artistic work depicting a utopian vision of a community in times of chaos.
For obvious reasons, we believe that TePeWu is creating and realizing just such a vision. So we asked ourselves what might be happening to our community in 2051 – and we intend to provide the answer in art form.
Below you’ll read how we answered the CCC questionnaire. If it resonates with you, join us!
The primary task of the programme is to educate, inform and inspire individuals (and communities, collectives or institutions) dealing theoretically or practically with the subject of the unfolding collapse of industrial civilisation, and with grassroots, community-based forms of confronting it.
Our area of operation is Poland, but everything we do can be easily cloned in any location.
The tool for this is an online platform that allows us to collect, store and share information in various formats.
Within our declared boundaries, we strive to remain impartial, above all avoiding infights and proselytising. We face challenges that cannot be accurately predicted, so every rationally justified approach (and some irrational ones), carries the potential for success.
Our long-term goal is to make a contribution to preparing the next generation for the world we are leaving them to live in.
Below we provide answers to questions asked through various channels. The list will grow longer and the answers will be updated as the programme progresses.
What exactly is the purpose of this platform?
The purpose of the “Looking Up!” platform is to educate, inform and inspire all those who are tackling civilisation collapse from the bottom up, in their communities.
The Looking Up! platform, understood as a package (stack) of cooperating applications, essentially has three main tasks:
Storing information in the form of standard units, containing diverse content, linked among themselves by a network of logical relationships.
Introducing new units, containing content delivered through established channels from selected sources. The introduction of content includes its classification, moderation and possible translation or transcription.
Presentation (sharing) of information, using a variety of channels (interfaces), as illustrated in the platform map.
The above tasks will be the subject of prototyping in the first phase of the “Looking Up” programme. The following activities will be gradually introduced from the implementation phase on.
Animating and interacting with the media, the online user community and the “on the ground” communities, organizing hackathons, edutons and other inclusive and supportive events.
Ensuring accessibility (in the sense of WCAG) of software and information published on the platform.
Building a pattern language as a specialized taxonomy, focused on the semi-automatic generation of complex solutions (in the broad sense) of technology, based on information stored on the platform.
Experimental implementation of LLM (large-scale language model) as an assistant in search and selection of information for user needs.
How towns, villages and neighbourhoods can face the crisis fed by the idea of unlimited growth,
depletion of cheap oil, climate catastrophe and on top of that, come up with working solutions?
We need a meeting space and a channel of communication to formulate an answer to this question.
Indeed, capitalism has wrought its own demise and given us the chance to undertake the construction of a new society on the ruins of the old one. It is we who have built the world that the capitalists and their servants have appropriated. It is we who will build the next one – from the remains of the previous one. As we are not afraid of ruins.
Now that we are building a new community, and when we have less and less space left for doing stupid things, I invite you – Dear Reader – to have a conversation about decent means leading to decent goals, which TePeWu is now setting for itself.
As we free ourselves from the pervasive state-capitalist culture and from the reactivity trap of the traditional anti-system approach, we need a new space of meaning for all our activities. And the rest – solvitur ambulando.
Registering the TePeWu Association as an ordinary association means that we cannot carry out business or paid public activities. This will change when we transform TePeWu into a chartered association, which is planned for early 2025. In 2024, Artel will therefore operate on a gift economy basis. What does this mean in practice? Our work … Read more
On 15th of December 2023 the TePeWu Association has been registered by the head of the Wschowa District. The association opetrates based on the Law of Associations and following bylaws
Version 1.0. Collectively and individually, we strive for self-determination, self-governance and self-improvement Self-determination is expressed by defining our own goals, our own identity and our relationship to the world around us, without conforming to other people’s templates and labels. Self-governance is our ability to make and execute decisions, without recourse to external forces or authorities. … Read more